Friday, May 2, 2014

Saludos (Greetings)

Finally I put these guys up in Montreal one fine spring night. They're in an alley off of St. Viateur. Thanks to my two friends that helped.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

made in Dheisheh

A study on the exisiting typologies in Dheisheh. The buildings act like characters. Just like the people in the camp. It feels as if there are no professions but more social roles and unique characters residing in the camp. The buildings reflect the same identity. Aside from the informal housing which in itself reflects the character of its resident, there are a number of buildings in the camp which offer more public functions. These buildings are part of the services of the camp, and as such are comparable to the auxilliary spaces of a house. As the housing units act as bedrooms of the camp residents, these unique units act as the other programs. For example the Ibdaa center is the entertainment unit of the camp, as well as a reception room/foyer. The falafel shop is the kitchen of the camp - the school is the study of the camp, the bridge symbolizes a link with the camp for the refugees that live outside of it. The barber grooms everyone in the camp. The taxi-station is like the front door or the camp. As such to be able to introduce a new function into the camp, it's character needs to be introduced in the right way. The commons of the camp represent the communal life/ the shared spaces which are used by everyone. The symbolism of its function needs to be introduced to the residents of the camp

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Book of Tree Planting Suicides - Digital Version Available Now!

The Book of Tree Planting Suicides is finally available digitally on the INTERNET! Just click on the icon below, it takes you to a flip book. The original book is a screen printed limited edition of 50.
There are 7 hard copies left. Get in touch with me if you want one before they go extinct forever.