My first roll of Holga photos turned out to be mostly a failure. These are pretty much the only barely usable photos that came out of a 36 exposure roll of self-roll, colour single perforated really old film. Everything was underexposed cuz the film was only 160 ISO and the Holga shoots at a pretty small aperature of 8 or 11. I kind like them but hopefully I'll have better and more results with a higher speed film next round. Holga cameras are a cheap Chinese camera made entirely out of plastic, the lens too. They are famous for having light leaks and doing unexpected things.
Me and Darryl at his studio.
I think this is little Mieke in the greenhouse at Concordia.
We are a collaboration of artists dedicated to street art and all forms of outsider art, but we also like to dabble in other areas like screen printing, photography, video, stop motion and graphic drawing. We have formed this blog to share ideas and inspire creativity.